Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Manifesting a Life Partner

I met my husband a long time ago, before the word "manifest" had even entered my vocabulary.  But when I look back with all I've learned and studied in more recent years, I know that I manifested his place in my life.

The short story of how we met and married seems so simple.  When I was living in Florida (and married to someone else), a mutual friend asked me to take her friend out to dinner when he was in town headed out on a cruise.  I did.  While at dinner, I remember clearly thinking "This must be what it is like to go on a great date."  We had a fun, chaste night.  I dropped him off at his hotel and went on with my life.
Savannah ~ February 2015

A year later, I had moved back to my hometown after splitting from my first husband.  About that time, our mutual friend started "encouraging" me to go on a date with her friend.  I resisted for months.  We started dating in September 2006, and married in December 2008, almost 4 years after we had originally met.  Since then, we have gone on to parent two children, and see more than a few of our individual and collective dreams come true.

Behind the short story

I put a few things in action that just made sense to me.

1. Clarity.  I had a list of everything I wanted in my life partner.  The simple list included things like employed, college educated, financially independent, not a drug addict.  I went on to expand this list several times.

2. Being Open.  At one time, I kept a pretty good count of how many dates and introductions I had.  I knew that my vision for my life included a husband and children.  I knew that it wasn't going to just happen if I sat in my apartment and watched The Sopranos all the time.  And so I went out.  I was on and I went on two dozen first dates for drinks, dinner, coffee.  If the guy looked like we potentially had anything in common, I met him in person.  If nothing else, I learned how to have a pleasant conversation with a near-stranger for at least 30 minutes.  This is a skill that has served me well in business as well as my personal life.

I will admit that I likely went on a few dates with people who didn't look like they were the right fit on paper. I went anyway. I realize now that I was "detached from the outcome" on most of those dates -- and in fact, the few guys that I thought looked just perfect on paper were the same ones that ended up really hurting me in the process.

3. Being Ready.  By the time I agreed to go on a date with the man who became my husband, I was a pro at the first date.  When people have asked me why I waited so long to let my friend fix us up, I've always said I wanted to be ready for him.  After all, he was a friend's friend.  The last thing I wanted to do was go on a few dates that then ended disastrously because I wasn't emotionally ready.  By the time I went on the date, I had moved very far forward in healing from my past relationship.  I also really understood the rules of dating by then.  How much to say, how much to not share right away.  I don't know how much of a difference it made, but I'm sure it helped me be much less scary.

Wrapping it all up

I started to learn more about manifesting, law of attraction and the Secret in 2008.  In 2013, I started to learn about it in relationship to clients and money, and in 2014 I became a certified teacher in the topic.  When I looked back over my life, I found evidence of manifesting all over the place - including in finding my life partner.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A quick reading

I laid out these cards this morning, asking for guidance for women entrepreneurs.

Did you pick one?

Here they are:


Favorable changes are on the way.  As my coach puts it, there is a light and a door at the end of the hallway. This is a good time for adjustments in your career, home and mindset.


There is a lot happening right now, possibly too many projects on your list? Be open to creative ideas and new perspectives in decision making.

A celebration is on the horizon.  You may be working too hard.  Take time to enjoy and relax!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Welcome Home

One of the challenges to leading an authentic life is being brave enough to share everything about you.  Not in a TMI sort of way, but in the - I have this experience or I have this skill or I have this interest and I'm not sure how it would make me look to "everyone," so I'm just going to keep it to myself or to a quiet little circle.
Maybe bravery will be the big mark of my 40s?
Today, I'm talking about spirituality.  I'm thinking about faith. So I will start here.  I was raised in a Christian home.  I firmly believe there is one God who created the universe, and who has ultimate control over everything we do.  I believe in his son, Jesus Christ.

I also believe in things like ghosts and angels, because that is the only way I can explain things that have happened in my life.

I've also had some freaky dreams that happened before the very same freaky thing happened, and a more than a handful of episodes where I "saw" or "knew" something ahead of time.

I spent much of my childhood in the church and church activities. I was active in youth group, a camp counselor and a bible study leader.  I even spoke on my faith for Youth Sunday one year (wow, that was a big room full of people!) I am a certified teacher of the law of attraction. I've spent the last year acknowledging and understanding that I have intuitive capabilities (for some reason, I am not brave enough to use psychic just yet -- but maybe tomorrow, when I really am 40). And I purchased this deck of Angel Tarot cards.


I've used them myself, asking God and the angels for guidance.  I've used them for readings for a few friends.  I'm ready to step out of the small space I have held this skill for the last year and offer it up.

How can I be of service to you?