My Story

Kathy Davis has been a spiritual teacher since childhood. She has experienced foretelling dreams, intuitive pulls, and the presence of angels and ghosts. Kathy has experienced multiple imminent threats to her life, but has always walked away unharmed. 

After the untimely and early death of her father in 2006, Kathy was forced to face the reality that life is short.  We only have so long to achieve our dreams, live out our purpose and leave a legacy.  The arrival of her children in 2009 and 2011 only strengthened her desire to take the entrepreneurial leap.

After starting her first business in 2012 (a law firm), Kathy has morphed her pursuits to coaching and spiritual guidance and teaching.

Kathy is married to her soul’s partner, whom she manifested through dreams, lists, and being open. They have two beautiful boys who specialize in being loud, getting dirty and climbing on things. She lives in Savannah, Georgia, another fantastic manifestation story.

Kathy is a certified teacher of the law of attraction and an ongoing student of meditation, manifestation, spirit, and love.

Kathy is the author of more than a dozen books, and is currently working on the forthcoming Spirituality and Religion: a guide to balancing your inner woo and the faith of your childhood.

Kathy is an attorney and practiced for more than a dozen years advising both individual and corporate clients.  Her communication, research, and organizational skills benefit her clients by bringing a solid logical and technical foundation to the advice and guidance she provides. 

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